Brazil Expected to Expand Soybean Acreage and Reduce Corn Acreage
Farmers in Brazil are expected to plant more soybeans and less corn in the 2023-2024 crop season, according to the National Supply Company (Conab), the country’s food supply and statistics agency.
The Second Harvest Under Missiles: Update on the Situation in Ukraine
Since February 2022, Russia’s war in Ukraine has caused significant damages to the country’s people, economy, and resource base. Russia has been targeting Ukraine’s agricultural sector, weakening one of its vital economic industries.
Corn Rootworm Management for 2018
Corn growers have come to expect some rootworm damage, but University of Illinois entomologists say putting management plans in place now could help growers avoid major losses.
Issues as Harvest Approaches
It is looking like at least some harvest surprises may be positive after an up-and-down 2017 season in Illinois. The September 1 yield predictions released by the USDA this week are for Illinois corn yield to average 189 bushels per acre, up a bushel from the August 1 estimate. The soybean yield
Grassland Management Do’s and Don’ts
This is the first in a series of iGrow articles that will be dedicated to the issues and questions we receive related to establishing, re-establishing, and maintaining grass-based plantings for grazing, hay, wildlife, and recreation. This series will attempt to address the issues related to grass
Reducing Spread of Herbicide-resistant Weed Seed During Harvest and Tillage Operations
Herbicide-resistant weeds such as Palmer amaranth, waterhemp and horseweed (marestail) are spreading, increasing weed control costs and yield losses in soybeans. Because of this, producers need to take action to prevent or reduce the spread of these weeds. Combines, tractors and tillage equipment ha
Reducing Soybean Harvest Losses in 2017
Average soybean harvest losses range from one to two bushels per acre under normal conditions. However, harvest losses can increase significantly when harvesting tall, lodged plants or short, drought-stressed plants. Due to the variable distribution of precipitation across the state this summer,
Now is the Time to Scout for Palmer Amaranth
Now is the time of year to be looking for palmer.
Palmer amaranth is in the pigweed family and has a lot of close relatives that can be confused with it. Common waterhemp is the one that is most commonly confused with palmer. We also have spiny pigweed, tumble pigweed, smooth pigwe
Soybean Rust Develops ‘Rolling’ Epidemics as Spores Travel North
Although Midwestern soybean growers have yet to experience the brunt of soybean rust, growers in the southern United States are very familiar with the disease. Every year, the fungus slowly moves northward from its winter home in southern Florida and the Gulf Coast states, and eventually reaches
Tips for Conducting End of Season Corn Stalk Nitrate Test
The end of season corn stalk nitrate test is one of the few diagnostic tools available to determine if excess nitrogen was applied to corn. The methodology and interpretation of this test were highlighted in previous Michigan State University Extension articles: “End of season corn stalk nitra
Harnessing Rich Satellite Data to Estimate Crop Yield
Without advanced sensing technology, humans see only a small portion of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Satellites see the full range—from high-energy gamma rays, to visible, infrared, and low-energy microwaves. The images and data they collect can be used to solve complex problems. Fo
Seeing Dead Soybean Plants in a Circular Pattern? Could Be Due to Lightning
Lightning Strikes in Soybeans
What are the odds that a soybean plant can be killed by lightning? Very low! In a recent ten year period, eastern South Dakota had an average of one to two strikes per square kilometer, per year. While quite uncommon for lightning to damage ro
Are Bean Leaf Beetles Chewing Holes in Your Soybean Leaves?
Bean Leaf Beetles
In June, we discussed how we were observing quite a few bean leaf beetles in the Southeast Region of the state. Now, as we enter August, we are again observing an uptick in bean leaf beetle numbers. Why might this be happening? It is because bean leaf bee
Understand Safety When Dealing With Hydrogen Sulfide
The risks of hydrogen sulfide in swine operations have been known for years, but beef operators also need to be aware of the dangers this gas can pose. Increasing this awareness led Dan Andersen, assistant professor and agricultural engineering specialist with Iowa State University Extension and
Cover Crops After Small Grains
Due to drier weather conditions small grain harvests are well ahead of average in some Regions of South Dakota. According to USDA- NASS report published on July 24th, 72% of winter wheat was harvested in the state, while spring wheat and oat harvest acres were 28% and 36% respectively.
Corn Disease Management Decisions
Factors that are likely to increase a return on a foliar fungicide investment include a history of disease, tight rotations, use of a susceptible hybrid, disease pressure at tasseling and weather conditions at tasseling and during grain fill.
Foliar disease management
A Five-Step Approach to Alleviating Farm Stress
Farm stressors can come from many directions including the agricultural system, farm and family finances, mental and physical health challenges, and relationship difficulties. A healthy response to these challenges involves paying attention to the stressors within all of these areas and determining
Assessing Water Damage to Emerged Soybeans
Heavy rain in areas has created waterlogged and ponded areas in many soybean fields. The excess soil water is detrimental to soybeans for several reasons and affected producers need to know how to assess any yield reductions that may be associated with the flooded conditions. The following factor
Unusual Soybean Coloration Sheds a Light on Gene Silencing
Today’s soybeans are typically golden yellow, with a tiny blackish mark where they attach to the pod. In a field of millions of beans, nearly all of them will have this look. Occasionally, however, a bean will turn up half-black, with a saddle pattern similar to a black-eyed pea.
Understanding Drought and Heat Stress in Crops
Despite significant technological advancement in modern agriculture such as improved genetics, modern chemistries to control pests, equipment to aid in efficiency, and several other up-to-date management strategies, we still largely depend on nature to maximize crop production and profitability.
Monitor Field Margins For Grasshopper Populations
With drought conditions occurring throughout much of South Dakota, it is important to begin monitoring field margins for grasshopper defoliation. Grasshopper populations are usually observed in grassy areas like ditches and field margins. They do not typically move into crops until later in the s
Should a Fungicide Be Applied for Stripe Rust Under Dry Conditions?
Stripe rust continues to be found in several winter wheat fields mainly in areas that have had rainfall in recent days. Some of these fields have severe stripe rust developing (Figure 1). However, since it has been dry wi
A Review of Key Soybean Seedling Diseases
Conditions are favorable for soybean seedling disease in many areas. Wet soil, slow emergence, and delayed planting have been favorable for seedling diseases in many areas of southern and central Minnesota. Now as the soil dries and warms up, infected plants may wilt and collapse rapidly due to d
Should Drought-stressed Alfalfa Be Clipped?
Many parts of the state where alfalfa is grown are experiencing moderate to severe drought, which is causing spring alfal
How to Stop Drift Before It Floats Away!
The goals of applying any crop protection products include increasing effectiveness, mitigating drift, and maximizing profits. We will focus on mitigating drift, even though all three interact with each other. Mitigating (decreasing) drift will increase spray effectiveness and in turn maximize pr